How to Water Your Lawn the Right Way

With summer being in full swing and the temperatures being higher than ever, it’s important to make sure that your lawn is being properly watered! Watering your lawn the right way will ensure you have a healthy beautiful lawn that you can be proud of! Here are a few tips:

Water Sparingly: Now you’re probably thinking, “Well won’t that kill it? I need to water every day to stave off this intense heat!” Wrong. Watering everyday is actually bad for your lawn. If you over water it, it can turn your lawn into a breeding ground for lawn diseases and fungus. Also, letting your lawn get a little dehydrated will strengthen the plant itself and make it more resistant to the world around it. This doesn’t mean let it go for weeks. Just give it a few days in between watering.

Water Deeply: When your lawn is thirsty it will give you signs such as wilting blades of grass, change in color, and lasting impressions from foot or animal prints. When you get down to the watering business, make sure to water deeply. Giving your lawn a nice soaking promotes strong root strength because the water gets soaked up by the roots as opposed to the middle of the plant when you water more on the shallow side. Watering deeply also makes your grass more resistant to things like weeds and natural wear and tear where as shallow watering will help weeds thrive in your lawn.

Water in the morning: Watering in the morning will ensure that your lawn sees more of the water that is given to it. As the day goes on and gets hotter, water starts to evaporate faster therefore if you water mid day much of the water can be carried off to the sky to make it to the clouds when it should be used to make sure your lawn stays green.

Water the lawn, not everything else: When watering makes sure the bulk of it is on your lawn. Watering the sidewalk, driveway, and your cars does nothing but cost money and can promote the run off of chemicals that can be harmful to others and the environment. Make sure your sprinklers are properly placed and calibrated to ensure you get the most water on your lawn as possible.tering in the morning will ensure that your lawn sees more of the water that is given to it. As the day goes on and gets hotter, water starts to evaporate faster therefore if you water mid day much of the water can be carried off to the sky to make it to the clouds when it should be used to make sure your lawn stays green.


Watering your lawn has never been rocket science but it does take a little attention to detail to make sure that you are really feeding your lawn the way that it needs to be fed and keeping it strong. If your Denver sprinklers could use some maintenance, contact Westside Grounds Lawn today. Our sprinkler maintenance and repair services are affordable and effective, and will allow your lawn to look its best all summer long.