how to make your lawn thicker and greener

Would you say that your lawn looks good? Do you wish your grass was greener and thicker?

Maybe you tend to think that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence or property line when you look over at your neighbor’s yard.

The good news is that you aren’t alone. There is nothing more heavenly than those luxurious lawns where one can walk barefooted while sipping an ice-cold beverage.

A lush, thick lawn that feels good under bare feet and is weed-free is what every home owner wants. It is important that your property stands out and conveys pride of ownership by having a lush, green lawn. You also enjoy the feeling of arriving at your driveway to find a beautifully kept carpet of grass awaiting you. Throughout this article, I will explain a few simple steps that can help make grass thicker, fuller, and greener.

Every lawn is unique, so no two are the same. Depending on the soil type, some will grow in the shade, while others will grow under full sun.

There is no one-size-fits-all method to make your lawn green, but this blog provides a variety of answers that could give you an idea about caring for your grass, preventing weeds, fertilizing your lawn, and much more.

Regardless of your lawn’s current location or condition, a few steps can be taken to improve it.

Now you don’t have to worry. This article will provide you with a guide to promoting thick, full grass, making your yard the envy of your neighborhood. Taking advantage of these lawn care strategies will make your lawn healthier as well as make the grass green on both sides, perhaps even greener on your side as well.

Keep in mind, though, that once you’ve done the initial work, you’ll need to maintain your lawn to keep it in top condition regularly.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at Westside Grounds today.

How to Make Grass Thicker and Fuller

How to make grass thicker and fuller
  1. Mow High: Keep your grass at 3-4 inches to encourage deep roots.
  2. Aerate: Aerate your lawn annually to improve soil and root health.
  3. Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer in spring and fall.
  4. Water Properly: Water deeply and infrequently.
  5. Overseed: Overseed with quality grass seed each fall.

The Keys to Thicker & Greener Grass

For many homeowners, a green lawn shows they maintain their properties carefully and take pride in them. And during the summer, when lawns get hotter, it’s even more crucial that you do all of the things that contribute to a healthy lawn throughout the year. Because a thick lawn can’t be nurtured with just one form of care. In order to make the grass greener, it is necessary to use a mixture of methods.

Benefit From a Healthy Soil

Follow these tips from lawn pros and test your soil to ensure your lawn grows thicker and more beautiful. Getting a soil test prior to planting a lawn yields great returns in the form of healthy, thick grass.

Using a soil test, you can determine your lawn’s unique needs, as well as make recommendations for addressing any underlying issues. Consult your local extension office for more information if you are new to testing. Getting started can be as simple as ordering a kit and learning more about using a soil test before using the kit.

The pH test reveals what’s happening in your soil and why it’s preventing you from growing a healthy, thick lawn. Soil test recommendations can help you improve your soil without guesswork by pointing you in the right direction. For example, a low pH can prevent your grass from absorbing nutrients. It is crucial to test your lawn soil’s pH level and nutrient availability to learn whether lime or other soil amendments are needed to restore lushness and thick growth.

Knowing The Type of Grass

The majority of us view grass as nothing more than greenery. You should also realize that there are over a dozen varieties of turf grass and that what you can see in your backyard might actually be the result of a combination of two (or more) varieties.

Turf grasses are generally divided into two distinct categories: species that thrive in warm climates like the south and southeast areas in the U.S., and those that thrive in colder climates like grass types in the pacific northwest, north, northeast, and most of the area in the Midwest.

With our professional care, your grass can be the greenest on both sides! Schedule an appointment now.
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Warm Season Grass

The warm-season grass grows best when the temperature reaches 75-90 degrees Fahrenheit in midsummer. Mind that these grass species turn brown when temperatures drop below 55 degrees.

  • Bermuda
  • Bahiagrass Argentine
  • Bahiagrass Pensacola
  • Centipede
  • Carpetgrass
  • St. Augustine
  • Zoysia

Cool Season Grass

It is most common in early spring and fall for these grass types to flourish at temperatures between 65 degrees and 80 degrees.

  • Bluegrass
  • Bentgrass
  • Creeping Red Fescue
  • Tall Fescue
  • Annual Ryegrass
  • Perennial Ryegrass

Transition Zone

In regions where the northern and southern hemispheres meet, either grass may grow well. However, there are some varieties that thrive better than others:

Warm-season grasses that can survive the winter:
  • Bermuda
  • Centipede
  • Zoysia
Cool-season grasses tolerant to drought:
  • Tall Fescue

Lawn Soil Testing

Having your soil tested is a significant step in determining what nutrients your lawn is lacking and the kind of fertilizer and treatments it needs to be more dense and colorful.

Your fertilizer might not be as effective if your soil is pH-incorrect, and as a result, your grass will not get greener. It may be difficult for nutrients to be absorbed in low pH conditions.

Optimizing Soil pH Levels

Depending on its pH level, your lawn may be acidic, neutral, or alkaline. The average American yard is acidic. If you sow lime in your lawn, you lower the pH level, and it becomes more suitable for grasses. 5.5 – 6.5 is the optimal pH range for healthy lawns.

Lime is best applied to your lawn in moderation rather than in excess. If more are needed, they can always be added later.

Water Grass Properly

Water is essential to all plants, including your lawn. It is imperative to water grass in the right amounts and at the right times. And when your lawn has become thicker, follow proper lawn watering methods to keep it thick and healthy.

As grass seed germinates and sprouts, the new grass seed requires constant moisture to take root. As your lawn grows, it will need about one inch of water each week, either naturally or through your irrigation system. It is crucial to ensure that lawns get the deep root growth they need by providing deep irrigation.

When you water at night, you may cause excess humidity, which in turn could cause turf disease. Watering the plants when the sun is hot during the middle of the day could cause the soil to dry out quickly before the roots can absorb the water. Because of this, the best time is before sunrise or just before sunrise. The grass roots will have a chance to absorb the water during this time, and as the sun rises, the excess water will be burnt off, which means diseases will not be able to develop overnight.

Rather than frequent shallow waterings, the goal is to water your grass less frequently and long enough for it to get a good soak. If Mother Nature doesn’t already provide regular rainfall, you should water once or twice each week.

Watering for 45 to 60 minutes will usually give your lawn and some inches of soil enough time to soak thoroughly. The amount varies, however. When the weather is warm and windy, the soil dries faster. It is possible to achieve greener, thicker grass by following a proper watering schedule.

Correct Lawn Mowing

Mowing seems like a simple task that you can’t possibly screw up. In any case, mowing habits can make a big difference in how well your lawn performs. It is possible to get thicker grass by properly mowing.

Lawn Mowing

Most people mow their grass too short, which is a big mistake. You can stress your lawn by mowing too short. If you do this, your grass might turn into a dull green or yellow color, which is not appealing. This may also lead to weed growth, which can cause additional headaches.

At any given time, you should not cut more than one-third of your grass blades. If you have a grassy or textured lawn, you should mow it weekly at the height of between 3.5 and 4 inches. Make sure your mower blades are sharp to make sure you get a good cut. Dull mower blades won’t be able to get a good cut and can damage the existing grass in your lawn.

Provide Adequate Fertilization to the Turf

You might think lawns naturally have all the nutrients they need to grow well. But for thicker, greener grass, a lawn needs the right nutrition.

Among all of the options and complex terms associated with fertilization, it may seem overwhelming. The three nutrients lawns need are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, found in various fertilizer mixes. Fertilizers are also available as liquid or granular products. Moreover, to make the grass thicker and greener, the right mix of nutrients needs to be applied at the right timing.

Weed, Insects, Lawn Disease Control

With the tips above, you can create a high-quality lawn to ensure thick, green grass. In this way, weeds, insects (other harmful organisms), and diseases naturally decline. There are also other pesky lawn invaders in your yard waiting for the opportunity to move in if your lawn exhibits weakness.

Some weed growth may be caused by certain conditions, or turf disease may appear if the season is excessively wet. If you pay attention to these issues and confront them as soon as possible, you can avoid easy problems escalating into larger, more visually unappealing issues.

Count on the lawn care experts at Westside Grounds in Denver, CO to put all weeds to rest with a combination of pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control methods. Weeds, insects, and diseases blemish thick, green grass faster than anything else.

Lawn Overseeding and Aeration as Needed

In order for grass to appear thicker and greener, it needs water and nutrients to penetrate the roots. As lawns age, they become compacted due to weather or traffic, which limits the amount of water and nutrients that can reach the grass.

Aeration should be done annually to address the problem. Through this practice, you allow the soil to break up and allow the lawn to breathe. Aeration can create small holes that are perfect for overseeding thin, bare soil. When it comes to the process of growing thicker, greener grass, aeration and overseeding are key elements.

Find A Solution for Bare Spots

The conditions for lawn growth can sometimes be unfavorable. There may have been young trees around the lawn as it grew, but as they grew, they cast more shade, limiting the sunlight reaching it. In order for grass to grow thick and green, it needs sunlight, water, and nutrients. You won’t succeed if you take away one.

A larger or thinner tree canopy can increase the amount of sunlight falling on these lawn areas, increasing their exposure to the sun.

A thinned tree canopy may not be sufficient. Grass can fail to grow in some areas. Perhaps a shade-tolerant groundcover, mulch, and decorative gravel, or hardscaped areas would be a better choice.

Keeping Your Lawn Grass Thick, Green, and Healthy

A regular watering schedule is absolutely essential to keep your lawn looking good.

It is necessary to water the newly sown grass frequently for two weeks following overseeding. After a few weeks, you can water less but more deeply.

Once the surface of your lawn dries out, the roots of your new grass can reach deep into the soil to seek out water. This will improve the health and strength of your lawn.

Do not water your lawn at night; do so in the morning.

Your lawn should be mowed at proper heights and with sharp blades once it has been established.

Fertilizing Your Lawn: Synthetic or Organic Fertilizer?

Homeowners wish for their greener grass but fail to understand how synthetic and organic fertilizers work. As many homeowners know, fertilizers can be either synthetic or organic.

Synthetic fertilizer is manufactured, more durable, and has high NPK ratings than natural fertilizer. After application, these fertilizers produce quick results because the nutrients in them are immediately available to the grass.

The problem with synthetic fertilizers is that they put a lot of effort into the grass, and they disrupt your lawn’s natural balance. In other words, your lawn will become reliant on them, so if you cease to apply them, it will be unable to survive.

Organic lawn fertilizers contribute to healthy soil conditions, so these fertilizers will also help you achieve better results in the long run. It takes longer to see results, but organic fertilizers offer homeowners a safe, sustainable option for nourishing their lawns.

Using natural, eco-friendly fertilizers on your lawn yields great results since they are more natural and more environmentally friendly.

How Can I Grow Grass More Effectively?

Mix and blend different kinds of grass. Your lawn will adapt better to the conditions of your site if your grass seed mix includes a variety of grass types, especially when factors like sunlight exposure and soil moisture are considered. Consider choosing grass species that can survive dappled light in areas that lack sun exposure. Using a spreader also helps to ensure even growth when planting grass seeds. And when it is time to reseed your cool-season grasses, it is most effective to reseed them in late summer or early fall. And most importantly, make sure not to overmow or overwater your lawn.

What Should I Do About Grass in the Summer Heat?

The heat of the summer can damage the grass itself. You need to pay attention to your lawn during this season. It’s important to mow the lawn using appropriate techniques. The shade from longer grass will keep the roots from overexposure to the sun, preventing any negative effects. By doing so, grass roots will grow deeper and become more competitive with weeds, resulting in a denser lawn. It’s best to mow less frequently and at the height of about four inches. It is also better to water your lawn at night or late in the morning rather than during the heat of the day. Depending on your local water restrictions, your lawn needs about an inch of water every week but can handle about half an inch every two weeks.

What Are Some Natural Ways to Maintain Green Grass?

You want a lush lawn and greener grass without using chemicals, but how can you achieve that? Firstly, give your lawn a quick boost of nutrition by spreading a thin layer of compost on top at the start of spring. It’s possible to repeat this process in the spring and summer. Be sure not to make the layer too thick. And if your garden is suffering from weeds competing for sunlight, moisture, and nutrients, remove them manually once you spot them. You can also add corn gluten meal to your lawn as a natural weed killer and fertilizer for healthy growth. Remove any thatch or compacted areas in your lawn regularly with aeration. And lastly, make sure your lawn does not become a dumping ground for pet urine. When this happens, the grass can turn yellow and can even die. Ensure your dog has a dedicated “toilet” area.

Let Us Help You Grow Greener & Thicker Lawn Grass

Do you want your grass to have that perfect dark green shade? Do you wish your lawn grass were thicker? Do you want to remove the bare patches on your lawn? To ensure a healthy and perfect lawn, you must provide adequate water and nutrients, mow it regularly, overseed it, and aerate it regularly. Follow our tips and make your whole lawn grass grow thicker, greener, and healthier. If you need help improving your Denver lawn, contact Westside Grounds today!