Many homeowners think that it’s too cold and wet to effectively and efficiently apply any type of fertilizer but late February is actually the perfect time to start getting your plants the love and nutrition it needs. Using an organic fertilizer is a great way to make sure that your plants stay happy and healthy through the end of winter. By applying a few small amounts of fertilizer over your grass, you’re allowing the roots to fortify itself in prep for nicer weather.
Topping Off
If you currently have any potted plants, now is a good time to remove any old soil and apply some new, healthy soil. Carefully using a trowel, remove about 1″ of soil from each pot and then replace it with new, organic topsoil. The moist winter weather will aid in the soil’s nutrients penetrate into the root system of the plants and get them through the last run of the winter season.
Different evergreens and other heavier growing year round plants will need a good pruning this time of year. Be sure to be harsh with pruning but be sure to leave at least one or two buds for new growth as well. The less old, dead growth you have taking the nutrients from the root system, the better off your plant will be.
If year after year you find yourself pressed for time for your lawn care routine, it may be time to call in the professionals. The earlier in the season that you call, the more options you’ll have when for availability and times for treatment. Now is also the time to check your equipment for any rust and wear-and-tear and make sure to replace them before the season starts to save some money. Don’t forget about your lawn when things turn brown. Late winter is the optimal time to make arrangements for the remainder of the year and leaves better groundwork for you to lay down now so your lawn will be healthier in the long run.
If you’re in a bit of a bind and need some professional lawn care help, contact us today at Westside Grounds Lawn, Inc. and let us make your lawn as healthy as it deserves.